(c) a map, chart, plan or sheet music where the map, chart, plan or sheet music is separately published, and (b) a newspaper, review, magazine or other periodical, Architectural work means any building or structure or any model of a building or structure ( oeuvre architecturale) architectural work of artĪrchitectural work of art artistic workĪrtistic work includes paintings, drawings, maps, charts, plans, photographs, engravings, sculptures, works of artistic craftsmanship, architectural works, and compilations of artistic works ( oeuvre artistique) Berne Convention countryīerne Convention country means a country that is a party to the Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works concluded at Berne on September 9, 1886, or any one of its revisions, including the Paris Act of 1971 ( pays partie à la Convention de Berne) Boardīoard means the Copyright Board established by subsection 66(1) ( Commission) bookīook means a volume or a part or division of a volume, in printed form, but does not include